Theming Ionic applications is a topic that is often left undiscussed. Ionic has a robust API to theme your application so you don't have to settle with the default styles.
This course will show you how Ionic’s theming system works so that your application can have its unique look. It will explore the built-in utilities, which you can leverage directly.
You'll be introduced to the built-in CSS utilities that Ionic provides, Ionics grid system, and Ionic configuration settings to create a custom look and feel to your App.
Chris Griffith is the User Experience Lead at a home automation and security company and is also an instructor at the University of California, San Diego Extension teaching mobile application development.
He has authored Mobile App Development with Ionic, published by O’Reilly Press and co-authored Electron: From Beginner to Pro, published by Apress. He is also an Adobe Community Professional specializing in PhoneGap/Cordova and Experience Design.