Redux: Dispatching Actions with the Fetched Data

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We will learn how to dispatch a Redux action after the data has been fetched and recap how to do it when the route changes.

~ 7 years ago

There is one small annoying thing in the code. When you set proper types

VisibleTodoList.propTypes = { filter: PropTypes.oneOf(['all', 'active', 'completed']).isRequired, receiveTodos: PropTypes.func.isRequired, toggleTodo: PropTypes.func.isRequired, };

Then you have one time warning (see bellow) Is there any chance to postpone creation of component to not have such warninings?

warning.js:36 Warning: Failed prop type: The prop receiveTodos is marked as required in withRouter(Connect(VisibleTodoList)), but its value is undefined. in withRouter(Connect(VisibleTodoList)) (created by App) in App (created by Route) in Route (created by Root) in Router (created by BrowserRouter) in BrowserRouter (created by Root) in Provider (created by Root) in Root printWarning @ warning.js:36 warning @ warning.js:60 checkReactTypeSpec @ checkReactTypeSpec.js:80 validatePropTypes @ ReactElementValidator.js:162 createElement @ ReactElementValidator.js:216 App @ App.js:32 (anonymous) @ ReactCompositeComponent.js:305 measureLifeCyclePerf @ ReactCompositeComponent.js:75 _constructComponentWithoutOwner @ ReactCompositeComponent.js:304 _constructComponent @ ReactCompositeComponent.js:279 mountComponent @ ReactCompositeComponent.js:187 mountComponent @ ReactReconciler.js:45 performInitialMount @ ReactCompositeComponent.js:370 mountComponent @ ReactCompositeComponent.js:257 mountComponent @ ReactReconciler.js:45 performInitialMount @ ReactCompositeComponent.js:370 mountComponent @ ReactCompositeComponent.js:257 mountComponent @ ReactReconciler.js:45 performInitialMount @ ReactCompositeComponent.js:370 mountComponent @ ReactCompositeComponent.js:257 mountComponent @ ReactReconciler.js:45 performInitialMount @ ReactCompositeComponent.js:370 mountComponent @ ReactCompositeComponent.js:257 mountComponent @ ReactReconciler.js:45 performInitialMount @ ReactCompositeComponent.js:370 mountComponent @ ReactCompositeComponent.js:257 mountComponent @ ReactReconciler.js:45 performInitialMount @ ReactCompositeComponent.js:370 mountComponent @ ReactCompositeComponent.js:257 mountComponent @ ReactReconciler.js:45 mountComponentIntoNode @ ReactMount.js:104 perform @ Transaction.js:143 batchedMountComponentIntoNode @ ReactMount.js:126 perform @ Transaction.js:143 batchedUpdates @ ReactDefaultBatchingStrategy.js:62 batchedUpdates @ ReactUpdates.js:97 _renderNewRootComponent @ ReactMount.js:319 _renderSubtreeIntoContainer @ ReactMount.js:401 render @ ReactMount.js:422 (anonymous) @ index.js:22 (anonymous) @ bundle.js:47 webpack_require @ bundle.js:20 (anonymous) @ bundle.js:40 (anonymous) @ bundle.js:43 warning.js:36 Warning: Failed prop type: The prop toggleTodo is marked as required in withRouter(Connect(VisibleTodoList)), but its value is undefined. in withRouter(Connect(VisibleTodoList)) (created by App) in App (created by Route) in Route (created by Root) in Router (created by BrowserRouter) in BrowserRouter (created by Root) in Provider (created by Root) in Root

Quang Minh LE NGUYEN
Quang Minh LE NGUYEN
~ 4 years ago

Firstly, I thank you for your course. It's very useful for completely understanding Redux. But I have one small question here. Did you forget about updating code for the reducer todos.js with the new action “RECEIVE_TODOS” ? Finally, the Redux store couldn’t save the fetched data todos from the faked API. Thank you in advance for your response.