Modern Redux with Redux Toolkit (RTK) and TypeScript

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In this course we take a basic shopping cart application built with React and fully power it with Redux and RTK using TypeScript. For those of you familiar with Redux Hooks, we use those here, but the emphasis is more on how the Redux Toolkit simplifies the process of setting up your redux application including building slices, reducers, selectors and thunks. Everything we do in the course is typed with TypeScript to make your application development process as smooth and powerful as possible.


Jamund Ferguson

Jamund is a UI Engineer that has a passion for sharing his journey and knowledge with others.

Throughout his career, Jamund benefitted from learning the technologies that were vital to business as well as keeping up with the industry. He has been able to leverage what he learns into opportunities that have propelled his career forward.

As a self-taught engineer, he wants to share as much knowledge as he can so others can level up their own careers as he has with himself.

Course content (23 lessons)

    illustration for Modern Redux with Redux Toolkit (RTK) and TypeScript