RxJS Subjects and Multicasting Operators

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Note: RxJS imports have changed since the publication of this course. The concepts being taught on RxJS are still applicable.

RxJS Subjects are a source of confusion for many people using RxJS. For many, the Subject is the obvious and only answer to every problem. Subjects are incredibly useful and necessary, but the key is to know when to use them for solving specific problems that you encounter.

In this course, we are going deep into RxJS Subjects and multicasting operators. You'll gain a solid understanding of when, where, and how to use these powerful tools.

If you are new to RxJS, or want a refresher please check out this course Introduction to Reactive Programming.


André Staltz

Open source hacker and former web and mobile developer at Futurice. Andre is known for his involvement with reactive programming for user interfaces, particularly with RxJS. He has built JavaScript libraries and frameworks such as Cycle.js, xstream, react-native-node, and others.

Course content (13 lessons)

    illustration for RxJS Subjects and Multicasting Operators